Monday, July 11, 2011

Quit Being So Borderline!!

So the shitty program you were accepted in to (and that only after you swallowed XX Tylenol) only allows for 120 minutes of therapy a month (most effectively used in two, one hour slots every two weeks). So today's appointment (first in two weeks) had to be f***ing rescheduled for another week (making it three this time). Who gives a rats @$$, it's not that big a deal. Get over yourself, for heaven sake! You don't want to be Borderline (not like you can make it so simply by wishing but you know, whatever) so STOP F***ING ACTING LIKE IT!!!
Such are my thoughts at this moment. Now if you will excuse me I am going to go cut until I bleed profusely and then climb in to bed (after stopping the bleeding so no worries). I apologize for the rant (I get more foul mouthed the worse I feel *blush*).

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