Saturday, May 7, 2011


This letter is to inform you that you have been denied benefits. We simply cannot assist you and continue to support the individuals currently in the system1. Nor would we be able to offer social security benefits to all the drug addicts we currently support2 3

You are mentally ill. While we appreciate that this must be difficult for you and while we understand that it is not your fault we did deinstitutionalize for a reason. You will have to learn how to navigate in a healthy world on your own. It is, after all, the least restrictive environment as well as allowing us to spend the money on those who really need the help.


The Powers That Be

1 Many of whom are in the system for the simple reason that they do not want to work. Seriously, my grandma actually had a woman ask once why she worked when she could just be on welfare... this coming from someone in the welfare system
2 99% of whom made a conscious decision to start their drug use, therefore being responsible for their own addicted situation
3 Most of whom will spend the money on more drugs and then go to rehab three, four, five times on the states dime

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