Thursday, March 22, 2012

To Come

You know what I'm trying to do? I'm trying to figure out a life, make a whole (functioning) person out of a bunch of pieces; only none of them match. They all belong to different puzzles; there's no continuity. Now how the hell am I supposed to do that, I'd like to know? Different puzzle pieces. Different people, yet one person. *shakes head* For the love of all that is good, why?

And all the time plagued by the desire, not to die, just not to be alive.

New therapist.

And oh my lord, my weight! Don't even get me started (actually you'd maybe prefer not to on this matter?). Let me tell you, eating disorders are not one of the most fun disorders a person can have, lol

Good things to come, my friends (all four of you, lol). I hope anyway. You know how I write. In fits and starts. Go me!

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